
Family History

People are invited to submit their family genealogy to be kept on file in the Grayslake Historical Society Archives. Genealogy help is available on Thursdays from 11:00AM to 4:00 PM and by appointment. There is a 25¢ per page charge for copying text. Image prices depend on size and type of copy work. There is an additional charge for extensive research by the Grayslake Historical Society.

The Society maintains files on various families. Sometimes the file has one piece of information and sometimes it has an extensive family history. Families included are:

A to C:

Adams, Babcox, Baier, Battershall, Beckwith, Behm, Behning, Bonner, Brandstetter, Bratzke, Broutman/Hollek, Buell, Carfield, Chard, Churchill, Clausen, Clemens, Cribb, Cunningham

D to E:

Davis, Decker, DeGraff, Deichman, DeMeyer, DeZurick, Dombski, Doolittle, Druce, Drury, Edwards, Eiserman, Ellingson, Elsbury, Erickson

F to G:

Faulknor, Fenlon, Fenzel, Fish, Flood, Forvor, Frank, Frazier, Frear, Fuller, Gardinier, Geary, Gelden, Getchell, Gilbert, Godfrey, Goshgarian, Grutzmacher, Gwaltney

H to K:

Hall, Hamen, Harris, Harvey, Hendee, Henkel, Hildebrandt, Hershberger/Wilson, Hook, Horenberger, Hucker, Jacobson, Jorgenson, Kapple, Kellogg, Kelly, Kerry/ Vassau, Kingsbury, Kittredge, Knigge, Korell, Krause, Kuebker, Kuzochowski

L to N:

LaPorta, Lawrence, Lobdell, Loftus, Lucas, Lusk, Manuel, McMillen, McNamara, Meyer, Mogg, Mollenhauer, Moore, Morrill, Murrie, Nelson, Nessinger, Neville, Nicholas

O to R:

Obenauf, Odell, Palmer, Parker, Pech, Perry, Pester, Peterkordt, Plonien, Plotz, Potter, Proctor/Markiewicz, Qualmann, Read, Renehan, Rich, Richardson, Rosene, Rowlings, Rudd, Russell

S to U:

Schlosser, Schroeder, Sheldon, Sikes, Smith, Snyder, Somerville, Stickels, Strang, Struthers, Thompson, Thomson/McGuire, Tonies, Turner, Tweed.

V to Z:

VanZandt, Vasey, Waldenstrum, Walsh, Washburn, Waters, Webb, White, Whitehead, Wickersheim/Becker/Gould, Wicks/Wright, Wightman, Williams/Raught/ Schultus, Wilmington, Wittum, Wray, Wright