Grayslake Historical Society Holiday Open House
Grayslake Heritage Center & Museum 164 Hawley St, Grayslake, United StatesJoin us for refreshments, crafts, and music. Santa will be available for photos in the Society's Vintage Sleigh. Free.
Join us for refreshments, crafts, and music. Santa will be available for photos in the Society's Vintage Sleigh. Free.
Come and share/listen to stories and reminisce about a Grayslake favorite- Dog n Suds! Heritage Center Community Room. Light refreshments provided.
Cynthia Rockenbach Lee will present a history of the Rockenbach family and its Chevrolet dealership. Heritage Center Community Room. Refreshments following the program.
Get the scoop on (almost) a century of newspapering in Grayslake from Chris Brenner and Jane Trump. The Grayslake Historical Society Elections will also be held. Heritage Center Community Room. Refreshments following the program.
The United Protestant Church was formed in June 1950 when Grayslake's Congregational and Methodist churches combined. Hear stories about the church's history and share your own. Heritage Center Community Room. Refreshments following the program.